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Aussie Dave Bigot is on Cloud Nine today. Israel has bombed Gaza killing around 220 Palestinians.And we know the rule – all dead Palestinians are terrorists.Like the dozen trainee Traffic Police who were killed in a bombing of a Police Station. They were terrorists according to the twisted logic of our scumbag friend. How so? Well, they work for Hamas, Hamas = terrorist, so traffic police = terrorist. It’s all so easy!It’s all totally justified of course – Hamas keep firing rockets over the border, just as they said they would do if Israel didn’t stop the collective punishment of 1.5 million civilians in Gaza. Not that the rockets have killed, or even inured anyone in a while…..until today that is, when the Israeli attack prompted another rocket barrage from Gaza killing an Israeli man in Nedivot. That may cause a sane person pause to think, but not our Aussie Dave Bigot who urges "May God avenge his blood". That would almost be funny if it wasn't a reflection of how someone actually thinks. I can again only thank god that such a bloodthirsty raving bigot no longer lives here in Australia.Comments from his readers suggest that Aussie Dave Bigot has found his niche,"One shot, one kill. HOOAH!"
"Kill em, push em into the sea..... "
"There are no innocent people in Gaza........Shoot all reporters and photographers--and arrange "accidents of war" for U. N. observers. "
"Bomb, Bomb and Bomb some more."
You know how much Aussie Dave Bigot hates violence and extremism.....well at least Islamic or Palestinian violence and extremism.
But surely he's a man of principle?
Which leads us to the events in Hebron over the last few days. If you don't know, the Israeli courts have finally deemed fradulent, the take-over of a building in Hebron. Though it's actually that the Israeli govt has finally decided to act on the theft of the building.
It's hardly a new story- extremist settlers use fraud and deception to steal Palestinian owned buildings and take them over, throwing the Palestinian occupants out onto the street.
Anyway, the belated action to remove the illegal squatters has had the settler-terrorists up to their usual tricks. Here's the summary,
- shooting at Palestinian civilians. 3 wounded
- assualting Palestinians
- burning Palestinian cars, vandalising property and Mosques
- burning down Palestinian houses
- one event especially stands out; masked settler-terrorists tried to burn down a home with 20 people in it
- calling IDF soldiers "Nazis"
- and especially noteworthy, a soldier of Ethiopean descent was called a "nigger".
What did our fearless critic of terrrorism amd extremism think about this? Our hero found that it,
frustrates me
And the twin actions of, on the one hand enforcing Israeli court rulings, and on the other of an anti-Palestinian pogrom, don't,
fill me with pride
Yeah, take that violent extremists! You're as bad the rule of law!
After taking such a brave stand against his fellow religious-nationalist fanatics, Dave does, understandably, back-slide a little in comments.
That these fine people could be described as "fanatical" in the media leads Dave to call this,
He then gets a bit confused and seems to suggest, with masterful understatement, that Hebron is in Israel,
I also abhor the idea that places in Israel should be Judenrhein
Removing Israeli settlers in Hebron as per an Israeli court ruling is 'abhorent'. And the anti-Palestinian pogrom is 'frustrating'.
Don't call him Aussie Dave Bigot for nuthin'!
Aussie Dave Bigot never misses a chance to vilify and incite against Muslims.
In the highly charged atmosphere post-Mumbai, our nasty bigot is hard at work denigrating all Muslims.
The vicious little prick takes a single news item and spins it to promote the idea that Muslims only objected to the events in Mumbai on the grounds that,
they tarnish the image of Islam
Which he follows up with the astoundingly disingenuous,
What I want to hear more of are Muslims who condemn such attacks because they are plain wrong.
So, did our little bigot search for Muslims condemning the attacks, or did he just prefer not to bother so he could post his contribution to inciting hatred?
Well, I had a little look and guess what I found? Lots of Muslims condemning the attacks; the Pakistani Govt, Bangladesh, Egypt, a long list of US Muslim organisations, European Muslim groups, the UAE. Heck, even Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood had this to say,
These despicable acts of terror are an attack on humanity in general, not against people from certain nationalities or civilization......We hope that perpetrators of these heinous [acts] be brought to justice to receive the ultimate punishment for their crimes.
Violent extremists act out their hatred and intolerance with gun and bombs, but there's also the insidious types who spread their hatred through the poison pen.