Prominent on Aussie Dave Bigot’s blog of late is the incident of a Perth man, Brendon O’Connell, charged with hate crimes for threatening and attacking Jewish people in Perth.
Good to see Australia taking a stand against these idiots.
Which brings us to good old Aussie Dave.
He who constantly vilifies and dehumanizes Palestinians as a people.
Who cheered on the killing of innocent Palestinian civilians recently in Gaza.
Yes, O’Connell is a more serious case, both they are both on the spectrum – the Bigot Spectrum Disorder. At one end of BSD you have the O’Connell's of the world, who act out their hatreds, and nearer the other end, the Aussie Dave’s, who just talk the talk. But that has always been the way of bigotry – those who produce the words and the ideas of bigotry, which in the past where letters and pamphlets but now are blogs and chat rooms, and then those who act on them.
Aussie Dave and Brendan O’Connell are of a kind, just of varying degrees and with different targets for their bile and spite.
It's not at all surprising that this below is the kind of stuff that Aussie Dave attracts, on what purports to be a post against bigotry,
"But wer are all confronted with the Illegitimante cuckoo in the Abrahamic nest, the illegitimate intruder, the blood-drenched death-cult which blasphemouly equates its Arabian moon-god with YHVH- and is bent on destroyng us all."