Let's see.
It's all painfully simple for young Dave,
they want to establish a global Islamic Caliphate and impose Sharia law on societies currently based on Judeo-Christian principles
Then we learn more about Dave,
Evil will always target Jews because we represent G-d in the world.He's a religious fanatic. Oh boy, doesn't the world just need more of them at the moment?
But he is trying,
I pledge to continue the fight against terrorism and those who support it, while trying to spread goodness through the world by increasing acts of charity and lovingkindnessIt's a nice sentiment rather cruelly jerked back into reality by this,
If you are against me, then you can go to hell.A sentiment no doubt shared by the Mumbai terrorists.
I think that's the kind of charity and 'lovingkindness' we can do without thanks.
Which takes us onto Aussie Dave Bigots next post where he delivers on his threat. Dave gets stuck into his favorite object of hate, (second to those evil Muzzies), Richard Silverstein, who is, according to Dave (Mr. Charity-and-'Lovingkindness') a "Jewish sycophant[s]".
Richard is a pretty nice bloke. Liberal, leftish, secular and very open to the idea of peace with the Palestinians - everything Aussie Dave Bigot detests.
Richard naturally has a pretty thoughtful and sensible take on the Mumbai attacks.
I see you are lifting parts of my blog without linking to the posts.
So it is at this point I will point out the Legal section from my blog:
"All original material is copyrighted and property of the author, and is not to be used without permission, unless it is attributed to this weblog (with a hyperlink to http://www.israellycool.com/, or to the particular article)."
Now I know you have trouble reading, so I am giving you notice. If all of the posts you have quoted in this "blog" do not contain links back to the original posts/my blog, I will be taking appropriate action.
P.S Still awaiting a mail response from you on my offer to meet when I am in Australia. Really looking forward to meeting you in person, tough guy.
Hmmm, Davey wants to meet me!
I wonder what it is he wants to say that can't be typed on a keyboard?!
I see you still are lifting parts of my post. Consider this the last warning. Either you rectify the situation, or don't be surprised when I take action.
Regarding meeting, I suspect you are a coward who lives with mommy. Prove me wrong.
How is it that I can't read? Am I not seeing the hyperlinks to my posts?
You have had ample time to provide these links. It is going to be a crying shame to close down this fine little operation, considering the startling number of readers you seem to have.
I'm not surprised that Aussie Dave Bigot has a visual impairmant - with someone so one-eyed how could it be otherwise.
Oh I see what you have done. Hyperlinking commas so no-one can see the hyperlink.
Well that is ok, because I am not really expecting any traffic from your blog, considering I am the only other person who even visits it.
Must feel terrible putting so much time and effort into something no-one else appreciates.
Nice try bugalugs! You did it for the posts on your front page only. I expect you hyperlink for each and every post in which you take a quote from my blog.
I am sure you have the time on your hands.
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