In the highly charged atmosphere post-Mumbai, our nasty bigot is hard at work denigrating all Muslims.
The vicious little prick takes a single news item and spins it to promote the idea that Muslims only objected to the events in Mumbai on the grounds that,
they tarnish the image of Islam
Which he follows up with the astoundingly disingenuous,
What I want to hear more of are Muslims who condemn such attacks because they are plain wrong.
So, did our little bigot search for Muslims condemning the attacks, or did he just prefer not to bother so he could post his contribution to inciting hatred?
Well, I had a little look and guess what I found? Lots of Muslims condemning the attacks; the Pakistani Govt, Bangladesh, Egypt, a long list of US Muslim organisations, European Muslim groups, the UAE. Heck, even Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood had this to say,
These despicable acts of terror are an attack on humanity in general, not against people from certain nationalities or civilization......We hope that perpetrators of these heinous [acts] be brought to justice to receive the ultimate punishment for their crimes.
Violent extremists act out their hatred and intolerance with gun and bombs, but there's also the insidious types who spread their hatred through the poison pen.
Little prick, huh?
Talks tough when hiding behind his keyboard. But methinks anti-Semite boy would be easy pickings.
Still waiting for you to mail me your cellphone number so I can call you for a meeting when I am next in Oz.
Sorry, I thought I wrote "vicious little prick".
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