Sunday, November 30, 2008

Mr. Charity

After hearing about the attacks in Mumbai, I thought to myself - I bet Aussie Dave Bigot is foaming at the mouth over this.

Let's see.

It's all painfully simple for young Dave,
they want to establish a global Islamic Caliphate and impose Sharia law on societies currently based on Judeo-Christian principles

Then we learn more about Dave,
Evil will always target Jews because we represent G-d in the world.
He's a religious fanatic. Oh boy, doesn't the world just need more of them at the moment?

But he is trying,
I pledge to continue the fight against terrorism and those who support it, while trying to spread goodness through the world by increasing acts of charity and lovingkindness
It's a nice sentiment rather cruelly jerked back into reality by this,
If you are against me, then you can go to hell.
A sentiment no doubt shared by the Mumbai terrorists.

I think that's the kind of charity and 'lovingkindness' we can do without thanks.

Which takes us onto Aussie Dave Bigots next post where he delivers on his threat. Dave gets stuck into his favorite object of hate, (second to those evil Muzzies), Richard Silverstein, who is, according to Dave (Mr. Charity-and-'Lovingkindness') a "
Jewish sycophant[s]".

Richard is a pretty nice bloke. Liberal, leftish, secular and very open to the idea of peace with the Palestinians - everything Aussie Dave Bigot detests.

Richard naturally has a pretty thoughtful and sensible take on the Mumbai attacks.

Thursday, November 20, 2008


A Christian minister has riled Jews by stating his conservative Christian beliefs plainly - only Christians get saved.

While these views are offensive, it's hilarious to see Aussie Dave Bigot getting in a lather over them. Imagine, a religious bigot! Unfortunately they are quite common amongst the religiously conservative.

Hey Dave, you're ideological brothers-in-arms. He's an anti-anyone-who-isn't-a-christian bigot, while you are an anti-Muslim, anti-Palestinian bigot.

Loving to Hate.

Aussie Dave Bigot lamented the anniversary of Yasir Arafats death. Why you ask? Because like many of his ilk, hating Arafat was something Dave loved to do. Now he has to content himself with the occasional reminisce. In fact he misses Arafat so much, he needed four posts on the subject.

Though it's the usual play-ground taunts - "dirty old man", "Terrorfat" etc. I'm really not sure what this far-right fascination with the AIDS conspiracy is though.

Though one thing is for sure, Aussie Dave has HDV - humanity deficiency virus - a diagnostic feature of the bigot.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Media Bias?

Fanatics often believe that any media reporting that they find incompatible with their beliefs is due to bias. It’s so prominent in relation to this topic, that it was first described as a specific phenomenon in research on perception on the Israel-Palestine conflict. It’s known as the ‘hostile media effect’.

And Aussie Dave Bigot has it bad.

He screams media bias over an article about the crazy Hebron settlers attacking a six year old boy. Dave dos the usual moaning that,
the headline and last paragraph convey what is essentially an allegation by palestinian medics as fact……. once again, the mainstream media are not reporting fairly or accurately.

Dave provides a quote from the story, but leaves out the first line that makes it quite clear where the allegation is coming from,
Jewish settlers on Saturday beat up a six-year-old Palestinian boy near the West Bank town of Hebron, and he was taken to hospital suffering from moderate head wounds, medics said.

Bias, as they say, is usually in the eye of the beholder. Or as an Australian journalist once remarked, claims of bias regarding the Israel-Palestine conflict usually tell you a lot more about the claimant than about the media coverage.

Monday, November 3, 2008

He’s Kidding, Right?

There is a no-violence camp in the West Bank at the moment.

Aussie Dave Bigot is unhappy, as ever.

WTF! you ask?

Well, despite the rhetorical admonishments dished out by the likes of Aussie Dave, the simple truth is that is doesn’t matter what the Palestinians do, the Aussie Dave’s of the world are never happy. If they violently struggle for statehood, Palestinians are terrorists and inhuman. Run a non-violence camp and they are against “mutual understanding and respect”!

News flash you despicable scum-bag; the camp is open to anyone who wants to go. Israelis will be at the camp right now, in an act of “mutual understanding and respect” with their Palestinian neighbours.

Hey Dave, why don’t you just STFU and sign on for the 2009 camp.

So what does Aussie Dave bigot, who vilifies and dehumanises Palestinians every chance he gets and who finds it terribly amusing when Palestinian children are seriously injured, title his little screed against this non-violence camp? - “Taking Sides”.

And, no, he’s not kidding, he’s a bigot.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Injured Palestinian: Aussie Dave Bigot concerned!

No, not really.

Well, not about the Palestinian. Aussie Dave Bigot is concerned that this incident got any media attention. Not that it was much. A photo of the incident appeared at Daylife, the automated news gathering system. Hence the lack of a link from Aussie Dave Bigot – it was just a photo and a caption from AFPs photo stock, not a news story.

ADB demands to know why he hasn’t seen photos of Israeli sinjured by Palestinian stone-throwers. Gee Dave, dunno….maybe it’s because the Palestinians are mostly throwing theirs at IDF soldiers with combat gear and armoured vehicles. While it’s true that the injured Palestinian photographer was armed with an automatic SLR, it was only of the Canon/Nikon variety.

But how many Palestinians are wandering around in Israel setting up illegal settlements and then throwing stones at the Israel press, putting them in hospital? If that had happened, Dave would be screeching for a front page story.

And what of todays jolly jaunts by Dave’s poor misunderstood “young hooligans”. We know what happens to Palestinian youth who throw rocks at IDF soldiers- they can expect tear gas at the least, often plastic bullets and, not infrequently, death via live rounds.

Surely Aussie Dave Bigot would support equal treatment?