Saturday, November 1, 2008

Injured Palestinian: Aussie Dave Bigot concerned!

No, not really.

Well, not about the Palestinian. Aussie Dave Bigot is concerned that this incident got any media attention. Not that it was much. A photo of the incident appeared at Daylife, the automated news gathering system. Hence the lack of a link from Aussie Dave Bigot – it was just a photo and a caption from AFPs photo stock, not a news story.

ADB demands to know why he hasn’t seen photos of Israeli sinjured by Palestinian stone-throwers. Gee Dave, dunno….maybe it’s because the Palestinians are mostly throwing theirs at IDF soldiers with combat gear and armoured vehicles. While it’s true that the injured Palestinian photographer was armed with an automatic SLR, it was only of the Canon/Nikon variety.

But how many Palestinians are wandering around in Israel setting up illegal settlements and then throwing stones at the Israel press, putting them in hospital? If that had happened, Dave would be screeching for a front page story.

And what of todays jolly jaunts by Dave’s poor misunderstood “young hooligans”. We know what happens to Palestinian youth who throw rocks at IDF soldiers- they can expect tear gas at the least, often plastic bullets and, not infrequently, death via live rounds.

Surely Aussie Dave Bigot would support equal treatment?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not doing too well, are you Mikey?

I always link to the source. If you bothered checking, you would have noticed the picture is linked to Daylife.

You haven't that many posts up yet almost every one has one or more glaring errors.

P.S Still no answer on my last mail to you. Seems like you are indeed the big talker.